Monday, March 30, 2015

Fun night!

Saturday night we went to Nama and Papa's for dinner as Uncle Lee and papas cousin, Jim, came in town.  We had a yummy BBQ dinner and I had fun playing with the Stilley cousins!  After everyone left, we stayed later and I got to help clean up!!!  So fun!


1st grade reading progress

By now in 1st grade I should be reading at level "h" and I'm reading at level "j"!!!  Yeh for me!!!  I do love reading!!!


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Skate City!!

More pictures from aunt Jenny's camera!!!


More St Pats!!!

Here are some great pictures from Saint Patrick's Day from Aunt Jenny's camera!

What a fun day filled with leprechaun hunts, crafts and playing!!!!


Trampoline Park!!!!

Last night we went to a really cool trampoline park!!!  I had never been to one and we had a blast jumping around like crazy!!  After about 1.5-2 hours of jumping we were worn out!!!!!


More pictures!!

Here are some pictures!!  The first is from the candy shop where we got drinks!!  The second is on our way back to the car!!



After the game we went to Babes for an early yummy chicken dinner!  We beat the crowds and had a great time!!!

On our way to the candy shop we were playing and running in the grass and I wiped out into a huge mud puddle!  I was covered in mud and was a mess!!!  After Uncle Tom wiped the caked-on mud off of me with my sweatshirt I was lucky that everyone agreed that I could go home to change before the trampoline park because I was soaked with mud!!

We then went to the candy shop where I would shimmy around so no one would see my bottom!!!  Yikes!  It looked like I pooped my pants!!! Embarrassing!!


Tom's BIG game!!!

Tom had his first baseball game of the season and we all went to cheer him on! He had a great game and hit some hits, scored a few times and caught the last out of the game at first, allowing his teM to win 9-8!!  He had such an amazing game, they awarded him the first game ball of the season...totally awesome!  Way to go Tom!!  It was so cool to get to see it all!!


Friday night!!!

Friday night us big kids went to Keller Point for parents night out while the adults and Lucy went to a fun dinner at a Mexican spot in Southlake!

We all had a blast.  The kids did crafts, played, had pizza and cake and swam a lot!!  

The adults had a great night catching up and drinking some fun drinks at a really cool place!  They even had time for a quick shopping trip in Barnes and Noble and a quick stop into a fancy restaurant to take out fancy desserts!!!  The adults even stopped at Rita's for free Italian ices since it was the first day of spring...Woohoo, moms favorite!!

Fun night!!!


Playing in Texas!!

We had such a fun time playing while visiting the Texas Fimmen's!!  We made forts, played piano, read books, played Wii, wrestled and even had a pillow fight! It was so awesome!!  


Lunch at Tom's school!!

The first thing we did when we got to Keller was pick up Chic Fil A and bring lunch to Tom at school!  I was so excited to see him and eat in his cafeteria!!

He ran up to us and gave us huge hugs and then we had a great time talking and hearing all about his school and friends!  It was really awesome!!


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Oklahoma City!

Today started to make our way to see the Texas Fimmen's!  We drove to Pittsburg to drop of Mia and grabbed an early and quick lunch with Nama Vicki and Papa Dick!  Then we drove to a rainy Oklahoma City and checked into our hotel in Bricktown.

We walked around and decided on dinner at Spaghetti Warehouse.  We had a decent, but not great dinner.  While we were there we had our palms read to tell us what we should do/be and it told me I should be a teacher!!!  Just like I want!!  It told both mom and dad to be philosophers...huh?

We stopped at a really cute candy and cupcake shop and brought dessert back to the hotel room where we chilled, watched basketball and started me my very own blog!!!  One without moms help!!
