Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Another travel day...and still not in India

Here is a view outside the plane window of Frankfurt, Germany!  We had a layover here for about 6 hours.  This was my first official stay in Europe...I even got a few stamps on my passport to prove it!!

While I did not get to explore anything outside the airport, I can say the airport was huge!  It took forever to walk from one terminal to the other!!  I did get to fit in a little shopping.  I bought a pair of sandals so my feet don't sweat in the only other shoes I have with me!!!

Did I mention that they can not locate our luggage?!?!?  Not sure when it will show up.  To prepare, I bought a few toiletries at the airport and our India partner is buying us underwear, pjs and a few shirts!  Hopefully everything fits!!

The trip has not even really begun and boy has it been interesting and long.  And boy am I tired!!  We arrive in India at 2am and then will be working all day tomorrow.  I'm going to try to sleep the entire 7 hours of the flight to get some rest!


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