Monday, June 1, 2015

Crazy travel day!!!

I am supposed to be on an airplane somewhere over the other side of the world right now, but instead I am still in the USA!  While my flight finally got out of Kansas City (over 5 hours delayed due to weather in New York), my flight to India left right when my plane landed at Newark! We were crushed as we missed it by minutes and now means we need to wait it out about 24 hours for the next flight out!

This flight leaves at 6:05pm tomorrow and is not direct! In fact, I have to stop in Frankfurt, Germany for 5 hours and now do not get to India until 12:40 am on Wednesday.  I am concerned that we will not get all the work done in this short time and have to extend our trip...we shall see.

So, I am now in my hotel room waiting for someone to bring me a toothbrush and toothpaste as I do not have my luggage. Crossing fingers that tomorrow my luggage ends up the same place I am at the same time I get there....dehli, India: 12:40 am on Wednesday!!!  Fingers crossed and prayers said!!!

This sums up the day I have had....
Not a good one!

I love and miss you!

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