Saturday, July 25, 2015


Daddy's friend, Richie, got us a big hook up at the top pizza restaurant in Chicago!

Richie got us 6:00 reservations to this restaurant which does not take reservations!  When we got there mom stood in a long line to check in.  While she was standing in line, a lady came over to us as asked if we were the Horton party of 6 at 6:00 and escorted us right by the huge lines of people and right to the best table in the house!!

We felt so special!  After an awesome dinner and a visit from the manager a few times, they brought out a surprise dessert with our names on it!!!  How cool!

After that, they told us we were free to leave....they covered our bill!  Our meal was free!

We were VIPs!!!  Woohoo!  Thanks Richie!


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