Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Not a good day...

Well, what we thought was a little black eye from a kick at swim lessons turned into much more!  

Kate last night:

Kate this morning:

As you can tell, it is getting worse, not better.  This morning Todd took her to the doctor to check on what we thought was an injury.  The pediatrician suggested we go to a pediatric optomoligist as they had not seen swelling around an eye like Kate had.

The eye doctor was very concerned and called Children's Mercy to have us admitted as she believed her eye was a result from an infection and not trauma.  She suggested we get there as soon as possible and even went as far as saying that she "did not think an ambulance was required", but implied  hurrying and said we are lucky we did not wait another 24 hours.  We were all worried about her.

Once we were done waiting way too long at admittance, we were checked into her room and saw dozens of doctors between general practice, ENT, infectious disease, optomoligist, child life specialists, she was given an iv and had a CT scan.  It was a long, hard and scary day!

They determined she has an infection in her sinuses, eye ball and related areas and she finally was given 2 different antibiotics to try to heal her. They will evaluate whether the antibiotics are working. If not, we will have to investigate surgery to drain the infection.  We are all praying that surgery is not needed and that we can go home tomorrow, although I imagine another night at the hospital is likely.

It is so scary to see Kate like this, but she has been so tough and brave.  We are all so proud of her.  We love you, Kate.

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