Sunday, November 22, 2015

School conferences

Mom had my conference with Mrs. Maher this past week and it was an awesome conference!  She said that I am in advanced reading and reading really well!  My fluency is off the charts!  I read 105 words per minute.  They often have concern with kids that read that fast because they are afraid they do not comprehend it, but I do!!  Yea me!

I am also doing great in math! The bottom timed test was my last evaluation.  They wanted me to get a 50% grade to be in track and I got a 97%!!

My MAP scores have also improved greatly from first grade!  This is a good year!

Mrs. Maher said I am a sweet girl and am a bit quiet in large groups.  She said she has to push me to try to answer when I am not 100% sure if the answer.  All things I am working on!  She did say that I contribute well in smaller groups....that is when I feel most comfortable!

Mom and dad were very proud of me!!


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