Saturday, February 27, 2016

Almost asleep...

Some are asleep while others appear to be still trying!  In order to get to this point (at 10:42pm) it required much negotiating and creative thinking.  Half the tent lights on for those wanting light and half the tent lights off for those wanting dark.  And...when it just was not dark enough....gathering blankets to cover the front of the tent.  And this was after the girls had a hard time deciding if they wanted to sleep head in the tent or head out of the tent.  Since that required sleeping bag adjustments I was needed to help...oh, it also caused tent disconnections which require my assistance.  

Now 7 out of 8 are awake with no line of site to 100% success as the periodic questions to "Miss Anne" or "Mrs. Horton" or trips to the bathroom disturb and start a chain reaction!!  

Oh my!


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