Wednesday, November 2, 2016

School conference

Mom met Mrs. Freytag for fall conferences and was so proud of all she learned that we went out to dinner to celebrate!!

- she wishes she could clone me and put me in every seat in the class!
- she told me and mom that she "saved the best for last" (as mom met with her in the last slot of the day)
- I'm super smart and in all advanced groups
- I excel in reading and she challenges me to pick extra tricky spelling words each week
- I'm mature for my age and am not worried about impressing others or showing off.  She thinks I am confident in my abilities and others knowledge of them.
- I am kind and a friend to everyone
- she loves my leopard shoes and coat!
- I participate in class and am very respectful 

Yay!  I love Mrs. Freytag, 3rd grade and school!!

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