Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Crystal Palace

Our first sit down dinner was at The Crystal Palace.  Mom thought we had never eaten there before, but she was wrong!  The food was good (even though it was a buffet), the problem was that it was a character meal where we should have met 4 Winner the Pooh characters, but they were so slow at coming around that we only met one...Tigger.  Mom complained to the manager and he apologized and gave us 3 fast pass tickets.  Just when he did that, people from the table near us started to scream as the baby was choking and turning blue.  The manager ran over there and saved her life!!!

Mom was not happy with not meetng characters and called WDW to complain (she had never complained at Disney before). They were so nice that they gave us 3 more sit down meal credits to use another day!!  We were excited!


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