Sunday, November 19, 2017

Kate is growing up...

Last night Kate and I were wrapping Christmas presents and catching up.  She looked at me and said, "Mom, I have a question for you and I want you to tell me the truth".  My stomach sank because I had not idea what she would ask.

"Is the Tooth Fairy real?" she asked.  I asked her what she thought and she said that Bella said she was not real and that it she thought she may not be real because all kids get different things and it is not equal.  "Addi gets a dollar for the number tooth it is she lost, I got $10 last time, Lily gets $1.  It doesn't seem like a tooth fairy would do it different like that" I explained that different people believe in different things and we talked about how it is fun to believe in things like the tooth fairy, but then she reminded me that she wanted me to tell her the truth.  Boo!!  I want her to stay little and believe in all fun things young kids believe in.  But, since she was looking to me to be honest and open, I told her that mom and dad were the tooth fairy.  She looked at me with a bit of relief and she grew older with that knowledge.  She then had a horrifying look in her eyes and asked "what have you done with all my teeth?"  I looked at her with a guilty look and she said "oh my gosh, you have thrown all my teeth in the trash?  In the trash?"  then we both started dying laughing.  She is really funny!

We did not talk into too much detail about all the other things kids believe in, but I know they were a bit assumed in this conversation.  She asked about Santa and I told her that I still believe in the magic of Christmas and that Santa was part of that magic and was a part of what made Christmas so wonderful.  The Santa conversation stopped there. 

I love so many things about Kate getting bigger - she is so smart, kind and so funny....but, I am not ready for her to stop being a little girl! 

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