Thursday, December 28, 2017

Merry Christmas 26th at Nama and Papa's

We celebrated Christmas with everyone on the 26th!  We had a blast playing, chatting, eating yummy food and opening amazing presents!  Aunt Jenny made us all these matching tshirts!  I was Donner and the cousins were the rest of the reindeer with Papa being Rudolf and Nama being his girlfriend Clarice...such a cool idea! 

Mom and I brought the BIG Surprise Bball of saran wrap with tiny presents inside and all the cousins had fun racing to unwrap and collect the prizes!

It was such a great day....we did not want it to end!  MERRY CHRISTMAS and thank you for all my amazing presents!!  I can't wait to set up my new office chair, play with my toys and slime, read Wonder, make my journal and do my arts and crafts!!!


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