Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Wichita Day 3: A day to remember!

My last chance at making the championship qualifying time was today and I only had 1 event left - the 50 backstroke.  This is my strongest event and the one I was the closest to making championship time on.  I was about 0.50 seconds away!  I was nervous.  I even got energy jelly beans to eat 30 minutes before the race to give me some extra energy!  I got tips from the coaches, tips from my swim friends and got myself pumped up by listening to my music ("The Final Countdown" was on repeat).  I was nervous, but was going to give it all I had!

When it was time to race I stood at the block and stretched out and even did the backstroke motions to loosen my arms.  I was ready!  I got a great start off the blocks and swam as hard as I could.  I gave it my all and I DID IT!  I made championship qualifying time by 0.50 and beat my own time by about 1.5 seconds!  It was awesome! 

Mom was crying, Papa was crying, Nama was crying, Aunt Jenny was crying and Donna was even crying (I think Dad was too)!  Everyone ran up to me with hugs and kisses and it was awesome!

I am going to Championships!  I met my goal!  Super awesome day we will never forget!


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