Monday, March 30, 2020

Quarantined Life: Virtual Learning

Today was my first day of virtual learning.  I was setup and ready to go today.  After mom and I researched the process last night we decided that I could sleep in (a benefit of all this crazy stuff), so I woke up around 9:30 to start my day.  While mom was on a conference call I got ready, made my bed and checked my school tasks for the day.  By 9am on Monday I get all my assignment for the week.  By lunch I had finished my weeks worth of work for all my odd hour classes.  It was pretty easy and nice to work at my own pace.  In order to ensure I have things to do the rest of the week, I held off looking at my even hours class work - I will save that for tomorrow.  This virtual learning is pretty cool! and I love my office set up!

Stay well,

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