Friday, July 5, 2024


Kate had a really successful sinus surgery where they fixed her deviated septum, removed her adores and reduced her turbinates.  We were prepared for bruising, swelling and lots of blood but she did great with very minimal swelling and no bruising.  The most challenging part was the IV.  They had to put in two IVs as the first wasn’t good- they said her veins were twisted and it was like hitting a brick wall.  Once she was prepped for surgery it was about a 45 minute procedure and another 45 minutes in recovery before I could see her.

She was hilarious under anesthesia.  I got a bunch on video!  She wanted to have the surgery 3 more times, eat Wing Stop (and cried when I told her she couldn’t), and she thought French fries were hilarious!  She had tears streaming down her cheeks and had no idea why she was crying and wanted it to stop. The nurses said teenage girls cry the most under anesthesia and have crazy emotions, including anger!

Todd took her to get the stints out a week later and she was so excited because she can finally breathe!!!!

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