Saturday, May 10, 2008

I LOVE David Cook!!!!

Yesterday Mom, Dad and Grandma Fimmen and I all got to do the coolest thing I have done in my 11 weeks!!! We went to the Power and Light district and saw David Cook from American Idol perform a mini concert. It was my first concernt and was SO fun! David is really cute...I am pretty sure I was his youngest fan there! We got really close to him when he was signing autographs and getting into his limo...wait until you see the picstures mom and dad took! I tried to get him to give me a kiss but he did not hear me (maybe because I fell asleep)!! Afterwards we all went to Old Chicago for lunch.
David is in the middle of the crowd...
Look how close we were!! Mom took this picture -
if my arms were longer I could have touched him!!
Here is a picture from a professional photographer on the web (notice us
to the left of the orange pole in the upper can see Dad in his white shirt and me, mom and grandma to his left)!!! We are famous!

Great Grandma and Grandpa Bradfield came in town and saw me. It was fun to see them and play with them....they gave me lots of kisses! They brought me a really cute little duckie that I can't wait to play with!

Grandma Fimmen came over for dinner and she played with me and burped me a lot! She is a good burper!!

I kept mommy up a lot last night. We just weren't tired at all. All the David Cook excitement of the day energized me!!

Now, we all have to watch American Idol this week to see if we are famous!!!



Bets said...

Love the blog! Keep it up, little Kate! :)

Anonymous said...

Grama so enjoys reading up on what is going on in your day!!!Love you lots!!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Betsy has encouraged a little blogging monster just like herself!!! Now I have two blogs to stay up to date with :)

Melissa and Brandon said...

3 months and already blogging. Such a hip newborn. I was 18 before my first concert. Melissa and I enjoy the updates. Keep'm comin.