Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I love to Swim!!

Our neighborhood pool opened for the first time ever Memorial Day weekend! I am so happy because I love to swim! At first mom and dad were nervous I would not like it because I really did not like getting real baths (I cry) until just a few weeks ago!

I play in the baby pool! I can walk around with dads help. We also swing and do the back float in the water. It is so much fun!

Mom and dad are so worried about me getting a sunburn and getting too hot we can only stay for a few minutes and I am covered in suntan lotion and have to wear a hat! I don't care what I have to do, as long as I can swim!!


1 comment:

Grandma Vicki said...

Your first swim! and you look so cute in your bathing suit! Dad better watch out for those boys in a few years! By the way, you sure look like your dad!!!

Grandma Vicki