Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My toys!

I have lots of fun toys! At first mom was really worried about the toy situation and did not like how the colors of the toys did not match my room decorations...now I think she understands I like bright colored toys! I do not think mom and dad are ready for when the toys take over the house though!!! heehee!! P.S.....buy me lots of toys for Christmas (not clothes like mom would want you to get me)!!
Mom and Dad love to play with me and my toys. Sometimes Murphy gets confused and thinks my toys are hers...that is okay, I can share!

I am now big enough to start playing in my excersaucer! It is really fun. Soon I will be big enough to get it to spin all around. For now I play with the toys in front of me!

Mom and Dad got me a crazy seat called a Bumbo seat that I am now big enough to sit in. It is pretty cool because I can sit right up at it and look at everyone. I love the new angle! Mt thighs are a little chunky though and I get stuck in the seat. Mom and Dad have to pull me out!!


Grandma Vicki said...

So Serious Miss Kate!!

You are getting to be such a big girl to be able to play with your toys and sit up in your seat!

Love you!
Grandma Vicki

Anonymous said...

Love those chub balls. Can't wait to see you the end of June - we will do lot's of swimming and fishing.

Love you


Uncle Chris said...

I see you playing with one of the toys I got you! Yay!

You look so cute in your big girl chair too! Its hard to believe you're only a little more than three months old! Keep up the good work, Miss!