Monday, June 30, 2008


Today I got back from a wonderful vacation to Massachusetts! Mom, Dad and I went to visit Grandma and Grandpa. I had a lot of firsts this trip...first plane ride, first subway ride, first trip to Boston, first trip to Cape Cod, first time seeing the ocean, first time at a baseball game (Boston Red Sox), first time in a raft in the pool, first time on a swing, and the list goes on and on!!!

Mom, Dad, Jonathan and Heather (they went with us the first half of our trip) were so proud of how good I was on the airplane! Mom and Dad were a little nervous I would get cranky on the plane but I didn't!! Mom heard she should feed me when the plane went up and down so my ears wouldn't pop and it worked!! I really liked the plane and the humming noise helped put me to sleep!!
We all went to Boston and saw a bunch of fun sites and they ate at a great pizza joint they raved about!! I got to ride the subway and do some shopping so I was happy! We spent part of one day at the outlet mall - the girls thought it was the best one they had ever been was my first, but I have to say it was really cool. They bought me lots of stuff....all mom got were 3 spatulas (how boring!!). We went to a Boston Red Sox game and I got to sit with grandpa for lots of it! It was fun and IO loved to stare at all the crazy people!! Everyone must love this restaurant called Friendly's because they ate there 3 times!!! Everything looked great and they have ice cream, but 3 times???
We went to Cape Cod and I had so much fun! I got to swim in the pool, watch Daddy and Grandpa fish, play cards against grandpa and really kick his butt, play with grandma, watch everyone play shuffle board, swing on the swings, and watch everyone eat lots of good food!!

I started an odd habit and I have been sticking my tongue out a lot. Mom and Dad hope it is a silly habit that will pass and that I am doing it because I am teething. I am drooling all over the place and put EVERYTHING in my mouth! Everyone was very proud of me when I held the bottle all by myself. I am also putting the pacifier in and out of my mouth all by myself (sometimes I have to get some help because I get really frustrated if I can not get it to work)! When I get really cranky sometimes the only thing that will cheer me up is to have mom sing the "Snuggle Puppy" song. I just love that song so much that when she starts with the "Ooh..." I get a big smile on my face...I just can't help it. Mom sang that song so many times this trip that everyone knows the snuggle puppy song! I just love it!

We were supposed to come home Sunday but the weather as bad and we could not fly out! Luckily Daddy called before we left for the airport and we got on a flight the next day! It was fun to get to play with grandma and grandpa for an extra day!!

I am really tired right now though and better go to bed!



Anonymous said...

Grama & Grandpa had so much fun with you, can't wait for another vacation!!!
You were such a good girl. We love you sooooo much!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think you took enough pictures on vacation Kate!!!!! :) Aunt Jenny wishes she could have been there with you because she REALLY likes friendly's too- and she could have taught you how to play "real" shuffleboard!!!

Bets said...

My favorite pic is the 4th up from the bottom! Looks like you all had lots of fun!