Friday, August 1, 2008

Hi there!

Well, we weren't too busy this week. It was pretty rainy the beginning of the week so we didn't get out much. We did take Aunt Jenny to the airport because she is visiting Grandma and Grandpa...wish i could have gone with her (after all, it is free for me to fly until I am 2) - she could have put me on her lap. I would have missed Mom, Dad and Murphy too much though!

We lost power for about 5 hours Tuesday night because of a very bad storm. I did not hear a thing though and slept through it all!!

We met my best friend and her mom out for lunch and then a little shopping yesterday! It is always fun to see Sydney! I was tired though because I did not sleep at all the night before because my teeth are bothering me so badly. I know I will cut a tooth one of these days! I don't know if I can manage many more sleepless nights (I think my mom feels the same way)!

Today mom and I ran errands and got some things in order for me to go to daycare in a few weeks. I will sure miss my Mommy and Murphy during the day!! I will be okay though and meet lots of friends!
Since Mommy and Daddy did not take many pictures this week here are some of my favorite that Aunt Carolyn took when we were in Dallas...
I love you!

1 comment:

Grandma Vicki said...

You are getting to be such a big girl and so is your cousin, Tom. I especially liked the picture of your Grandpa Fimmen's hand with his two grandbabies clinging on! How special! You are "so special" to us all!