Thursday, August 21, 2008

Worse Day of my Life!

I had the worse day of my life this week. First, mom dropped me off at daycare for the first time and she had to go to work. I could tell something was not right the night before so I really did not sleep at all. I kept waking up to make sure mom and dad were still home. They were thank goodness!

The teachers at daycare did not really pay much attention to me. In fact, they only fed me one 9:45 am (I assume there was some sort of a mix up). I kept trying to tell them I was hungry, but they thought my teeth hurt. Mom did not get to pick me up until 4:00 and boy was she mad and sad when she found out how hungry I was! Needless to say, mom and dad made sure I never go back there again. They are going to make sure that something like this never happens to another little baby. Good thing is that I am okay and I will not remember what happened to me!! Phew!!

I am now in good hands and Miss Lori is going to watch me for the next 3 weeks until Grandma Fimmen comes in town. That means I get to play with my best friend Sydney all the time! Grandma will then watch me for about 6 months!! I am one lucky girl and mom and dad are lucky to have such wonderful friends to take care of me!

My first day at Miss Lori's house was fun, but I did not feel really well. I missed my mom, dad and Murphy and I was in a strange place. I loved playing with Sydney though! I also love Sydney's big dog Rocky! Rocky loves to give me kisses!!

It turns out I have allergies! Mom took off work today to take me to the doctor and hang out with me because I do not feel good. My nose is stuffy and runny, my eyes itch and are all red and my ears are bothering me. I am a mess! Plus my teeth hurt me!! I can't wait until I feel better! I also can't wait for this week to be was not a very fun one!


Here are some pictures of me on my first day of daycare (I had no idea what the day had in store for me)!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Kate,
You are having a tough week.Mommy and daddy will make sure that you are all better.And grama agrees that allergies are YUCKY!!!
We love you so much. Get feeling better.