Monday, November 3, 2008

Such a fun week!

Last week was so much fun!! I got to go to Pittsburg to see my Grandma and Great Grandma and Grandpa! Mom and Dad took off work and we all went down to get our family pictures! We should get to see them next week...we will share the link with everyone then so you can take a look! I did a really good job and tried to smile a and Dad had to shake a moracca though to make me really happy!! We went out to lunch with Great G'ma and G'pa and then went over to their house to play! I got to play with the teddy bears and I played on the blanket my Daddy used when he was a is REALLY old! We also went to Grandma's office to meet some of the nice people she works with! It was a really fun trip!
I cut another tooth this week - my 3rd left! I am really ready to have a full mouth of teeth. Then I can eat whatever I want and my mouth will stop hurting!

I had my 1st Halloween! It was so much fun! Grandma and Grandpa Fimmen came over for dinner and to go trick or treating with me! I was a cute little Ladybug and just loved going to the neighbors houses to get candy! I got a total of 5 pieces!!! Grandpa was trying to steal my candy though!!! He is really nice though and always lets me have bites of the goodies!!!! I was really lucky on Halloween and Mom and Dad lifted the ban on teething cookies! I was a really good girl with them this time and I think I got my privileges back!! Yippee!! Halloween really wore me out though - I was just exhausted when we finally came home from trick or treating and passed right out!

Saturday was another shower for Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob. I watched them open up gifts and got to meet all of Uncle Rob's family...they were very nice to me! Grandpa gave me some ice cream sundae!!! Yippee...I love ice cream just like my mom!
Sunday I went to a baby shower for Dawnielle with mom. They make the cutest things for babies these days! If only I was still a baby....I would want so many of the neat things little Chloe got!!! Mom got inspired at the shower though and has decided she is going to start sewing me bibs, blankets and burp cloths!! I can't wait to see when she is going to fit that in!!! Sunday night we had dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Fimmen's house to celebrate Grandpa's birthday!! I love to play with them!!
Here I am playing with my Great Grandma!

Grandma Vicki got me new monkey PJs!!!

Here I am Halloween day!

The teething cookie ban has been lifted!! I was a good girl!

Naked me getting ready to put on my Halloween costume!

Little Ladybug!




1 comment:

Jeanne Fimmen said...

She just keeps getting cuter and cuter! Her eyes remind me of Jenny's when she was a baby. Cannot wait to see you all next weekend! Jeanne