Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Big Girl...

Sorry it has taken me a while to blog...I have been busy learning so many new things! Grandma Fimmen taught me to say "uh oh", I have gone up 2 steps like a pro, I say my prayers too...when we pray and say "I love God" I cross my hands to pray.

I love to read books and can turn the pages myself. My favorite book right now is my Christmas Peekaboo book. I give each character on the pages kisses when I turn the page!

I love music and dance all the time. As soon as I get to Grandma's every morning we read books and listen to music and dance. Grandma and I are now listening to Christmas music! When you ask me what Santa says I say "ho ho ho". I can't wait for Santa to come and visit me! Mom and Dad said we might go visit Santa this weekend and get my picture taken with him. I can't wait! Wonder if he will make me cry?

On Sunday Grandma Vicki and Grandpa Dick came over and we celebrated Grandpa's birthday! It is always so much fun to play with them. Grandpa was a little under the weather though so he did not get to hold me like he normally does...he did not want me to be sick my first Xmas! How kind of him!!!

Well, it is way past my bedtime. I will post pictures soon! Love you!


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