Friday, April 10, 2009

Fashion Show!

Tonight was so much fun! Mom helped me put on a fashion show for Daddy! We tried on some of my new clothes and we wanted to try to figure out which of the 2 Easter outfits mom got me I would wear for the big day so we had a fashion show!

Mom and I would go to my bedroom and I would pick which of the outfits that she had layed out I wanted to try on. She would help me get dressed, then we would go downstairs and I would walk over to daddy and show him my new outfit! I had so much fun...I let mom put 6 outfits on me and I did not fuss at all. Mom tried to teach me to spin in my dresses, but I did not really understand. She would put me in front of my bathroom mirror so I could see myself and I looked so pretty (I say "Pa" for pretty).

Thank goodness mom bought more than 1 Easter dress because one of them was so yucky!! See the picture below with me in the ugly bonnet! What was she thinking?? I look crazy and it was itchy!

Hope you like the pictures!

I like to play in drawers - here I am in my drawer!

What was she thinking...luckily we still have the receipt!!

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