Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day!

Today is Mother's Day and I would like to wish all the mommy's, grama's, and Aunt's I know a happy day!! I was not feel all that great today (I think I have allergies or a cold), so I required A LOT of mommy's attention. She held me all morning.

Both my Grama's and Pa's, Aunt Nenny and Uncle Rob all came over for lunch!! It was so much fun...I actually forgot I was not feeling well and entertained everyone! We did not end up taking many pictures, so I am sorry we did not get pictures with everyone in them!
Mom and I had a craft project yesterday and I got to color in every one's Mother's Day cards with markers! It was so much fun...a little messy, but washable! I just love to color! I added some pictures of me working on my craft projects...maybe one day mom and I will have our very own craft room to work on projects together! I can't wait!
I love you momma, grama, grama, great grama, great grama, great grama, Aunt Nenny, Aunt Carolyn and all the other mommy's I know!

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