Sunday, May 10, 2009

Update on me!

Thursday and Friday of this week Grama and Pa were in Denver for my Great Uncle Lee's wedding, so mommy stayed home and watched me Thursday and Aunt Nenny watched me Friday!

Mommy and I shopped all day long and played. We had so much fun! I love to watch her try on clothes and stare at myself in the mirror. It was funny because even though mommy and I were in public she would sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider as loud as she could to get me to have fun!

Aunt Jenny (I call her "Nenny") and I played so much! It is so neat to see how she does EVERYTHING I ask! We were outside most of the day and I just loved it! We blew bubbles, drew with chalk, went on a wagon walk and she helped me play on my Barbie car! I had so much fun with her!

I now eat with a fork and can drink out of straw...I am such a BIG girl! Check out the fun picture of me when I wake up...crazy hair!!

1 comment:

Rob, Jenny, Anna, Ashley and Abby said...

Yup kid- you have me whipped!!! I can't wait til summer so we can go "outs" some more!!!