Sunday, May 3, 2009


Yesterday we all went over to Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob's house for a Mexican Fiesta party!! I got to see my cousin Peanut...boy do I miss seeing him! Grama and Pa, Mr. and Mrs. Stilley, Aaron and Henry were all there. It was fun playing with Henry...I tried to give him lots of kisses. I also tried to learn how to walk sideways and backwards from him and how to crawl down the steps! He is bigger then me and I have lots to learn!!

After dinner we walked to the playground near the house and it was so fun! I went down a HUGE slide, swung on the swings and did lots of fun stuff with everyone. I wish I had such a big playground by my house. Baby Stilley is going to just LOVE it! Grama promised me that once Baby Stilley arrives we will be spending lots of time at the Stilley house, so I am sure I will see that play ground a lot this summer! Lucky me!!



Rob, Jenny, Anna, Ashley and Abby said...

Kate- I am SO glad you enjoyed Missouri!!!!! Can't wait for another party at the play ground! I know Uncle Rob can't wait to hand upside down on the handle bars again!!

Henry said...

Hi Kate! We just found your blog, and were honored we got a mention. Was great to see you!

Henry & Aaron