Sunday, May 3, 2009

An Update

It is hard for me to remember what all I have updated everyone, sorry if you have already heard some of this!
  • I now can say "juice", "Down", "up", "Ba Ba" (for milk), "shoe", "wa wa" (for water), "Mur" (for Murphy), "Elmo", "do da" (just like my cousin Tom taught me) and "na na" (for no).
  • I love to put everything in Murphy's water bowl (even though it makes mommy and daddy so mad and I know I should not). My new thing is to step all around in the water bowl and get soaking wet. I also like to drop my stuffed animals in the water to see if they can swim! haha!!
  • I give lots of hugs and pat everyone on the back or leg or belly or face..anywhere to show them I care!
  • I love to "chill" and relax by leaning back on things
  • I love to sit on the big girl chairs and couches....only one rule "sit on your bottom. I know what my bottom is too!
  • I make the funniest "pucker" face and sometimes say "uh oh" while I make it. It cracks everyone up!
  • I have 3 molars so far and I can feel a forth one trying to break through. I hate teething!
  • I started to throw temper tantrums by laying on my back and making a big fuss. For some reason mommy and daddy ignore me and it just makes me madder. I heard mommy say something about if I don't grow out of it soon they are going to try something called "time out"...I sure hope that means they will start giving me my way.
  • I have finally mastered getting all the rings on the pole all by myself...and it is HARD!
  • If you ask me to...I will kiss my toes!
  • I am obsessed with belly buttons. I love to lift up my shirt and show you mine...I say "ding" and try to press belly buttons. I can even find the belly buttons on balls and balloons! I love belly buttons!
  • I can now "Nea" like a horse and "meow" like a kitty cat!

Grama and Pa got back from Italy and I was so excited to see them!! It was so fun playing with them and all my old toys again!! I had so much fun with Grama and Pa Horton and Mom and Dad when they watched me when they were in Italy. Thanks everyone for taking such good care of me! I love you!




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Kate,
I just want you to know the wonderful feeling you gave me when you ran through the door to give us hugs. It brought tears to my eyes and made me very happy that I am a GRAMA!!!
Love you so much and love having you everyday!!