Friday, June 26, 2009

Time Out!

OMG!! Mommy and Daddy tried this new thing called "time out" and it is not cool at all. When I do bad far hiding behind the curtains and pulling on them or playing in Murphy's water or food bowl they put me in the corner to stand by myself for 1 whole minute. I made sure they knew how unhappy I was about this and made up a new cry that they did not like (ha!) and I kept trying to get out of the corner. What I learned is that my minute in the corner does not start until I stay still and it restarts if I get out of the corner....not cool!

They just started this punishment yesterday and it is already working on me. Tonight when mommy said "no no no" when I got close to the curtains with the intention of hiding behind them and pulling on them I backed away and did not get into trouble. I think they are teaching me something...mommy and daddy looked proud of themselves. Hmm....


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