Saturday, June 27, 2009

Updated pictures!

It takes a while to upload my photos, so I thought I would blog you a note when I get the chance and then when I have longer I would send you all my recent they are!

I got a new adorable pink rocking chair that is just my size. I love to chill on and near it!:

I just loved stuffed animals....lamby and beary are 2 of my favs!

I love to read and to be read to. Here I am at Grama and Pa Fimmen's house:

Grama Fimmen has the coolest stereo that is just my size. I know how to turn it on and everything. Here I am playing with it and dancing to "if you're happy and you know it clap your hands"

Although Mom and Dad have managed to rid me of the bottle...they will never be able to do it to the PACI! I just love my paci and love to give it kisses!

This is Father's, dad and I took pictures by a water!

We all took Pa Fimmen and Daddy and Uncle Rob to Cinzetti's. They have a really cool fountain I played in! Father's Day night we took Pa Horton out to dinner, but mommy forgot to take out her camera and get pics...sorry!

Have I ever told you how much I love to chill? Here I am chillin' and watching some TV!

I got a big girl cup...shaped like an octopus with a!


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