Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I'm a BIG girl!

I’m getting to be a big girl now (I’m not a baby anymore)! I can say many complete sentences and can understand EVERYTHING you say!

I love to dance and sing…right now my favorite CD and movie is Mama Mia!! I just love the sound track and sing it like crazy! My favorite songs are “thank you for the music”, “honey honey” and “money money”! The songs are so great they make me dance!

I really like “The Wiggles”, but my favorite TV show is still “Barney”! U get a big kick out him and know all his shows on our “on demand”.

Now that I am a big girl I just take one long nap (sometimes close to 3 hours long)! And although I am a good sleeper I like to push it off as far away as possible and find lots of reasons not to take a nap or go to bed! My favorites are: “need water”, “see Papa”, “see Daddy”, “watch Barney”, etc….

I love Halloween time and love “Fooky” (spooky) stuff! Some of Grama’s neighbors have really “fooky” decorations in there yard and I love to go see them! I say things like “yucky witch”, but I keep going back for more! I will be sad once Halloween is all over!

Today I had dinner at Grama and Papa’s house and after dinner I told mommy “bathy in Papa’s room”. She and Grama thought that was really funny! Every time we eat dinner at their house I get a bathy there…tonight was no different!

I still love bathies…especially with lots of bubbles! I never want to get out of a bathy!


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