Friday, April 30, 2010

McDonalds Playland

Today mommy worked from home, so we got to go to lunch together at McDonalds! I ordered a happy meal, but instead of getting chicken Mcnuggets like I normally do, I got a hamburger (just like mommy)! Then, after we ate we went and played on the playland! It was SO COOL! There were lots of kids playing (I was by far the youngest) and it was pretty crowded. At first I was a little timid and would run back to mom whenever too make kids came around or if I got nervous. But I soon warmed up and had so much fun!

I would go up to the kids and say "hi, my name is Kate". Some would not hear me, some would ignore me, but some would say "hi" back to me and I would get SO EXCITED! I would then run over to mom....actually hop over to her and then do my "so excited" motion and giggle like crazy, then go right back to where the action was!

There was a girl name Julie who was about 7 years old that was so nice to me. Since I was really too little for the playland (should be 3 and older), I could not climb up very high because the steps were too big. Julie took me by the hand and showed me how to do it. She even lifted me up to help me and then showed me how to get down. I was so proud of myself that I was with the big kids...I would give mom a big smile to show her how much fun I was having!

I loved it so much that I did not want to leave...Mom and I were at McDonalds for an hour and a half! I can't wait to go back to play!! Mommy said she was so proud of me and could not believe how big I am getting. I think she was going to cry with how big I am getting!

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