Friday, April 30, 2010


So, I went to the dentist a few weeks ago and he said..."No more paci's for Kate". It was not fun to hear! Mommy then proceeded to cut the tops of all my pacis off because the doctor said I would not like them anymore after she did this and then just give up on them. Well, I am a very skilled and innovative little girl, and therefor still love my pacis! There is just a trick to getting them to work...I have to put my finger through them and then suck. See the pictures below for reference. In fact, sometimes I put multiple pacis on my fingers!!! I have to say, it makes pacis not really as fun and I have become a bigger girl and am not as interested, although sometimes I do still need a suck! I am nervous to see what mom will do next to make me STOP the pacis entirely!!

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