Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Kate Larson

Kate Larson was in town this week from California! We were really lucky and she spent most of the day with us last Tuesday. We played with Barbies and had so much fun! When I got home I told mommy “Kate Larson is a nice girl”. In fact, I call her “Kate Larson” whenever I refer to her.

On Sunday we went over to Miss Sharon and Mr. Mike’s house for a BBQ. Kate Larson was staying over at their house all week and they played a fun dinner for everyone to come over and play with her!

It was like Miss Sharon knew what all my favorite foods were! She has little water bottles, hot dogs, chips and dip, strawberries, mac ‘n cheese and cookies! She even has Toy Story 2 fruit snacks! YUMMY!

There were some other big kids at the party too (Kate Larson’s friend). They were all so nice and let me play with them all day long! I learned how to play soccer! They showed me how to play and I even scored some goals! They also took me downstairs and let me play pin ball! I got to eat with them too! I love to play with BIG kids!

I can’t wait to see Kate Larson again!

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