Sunday, September 26, 2010


Pops (Papa Fimmen) was able to hook Daddy up with some awesome Chiefs tickets on Sunday! Daddy got a pre-game sideline pass and was able to walk around Arrowhead while the Chiefs were warming up for thir game against the SF 49ers. When the game started Daddy went up to the stands and watched the game from the 40 yard line 19 rows up from the field. Daddy went with Pops, Papa Dick, Uncle Rob Rob, and Uncle Rob Rob's brother and dad. They had a great time and the Chiefs even won! 31-10! The sun even came out when the game started as evidence by Daddy's red face when he got home.


Brodie Croyle - Backup QB

Chris Meyers from Fox Sports

Owner of the 49ers

Todd Haley - Head Coach for the Chiefs

GM for the Chiefs - Scott Pioli

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Is this on sale?"

Mommy and I were playing store in my playroom. We shop my playroom and then use the cash register to pay and check out! It is so much fun! I made mommy laugh today when we were playing when I asked her "is this on ale?". When mommy said said "no, it is not"....I said, "well, then I don't want it" and then I found something else that was on sale! My mommy and I are both DEAL shoppers!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I got my very own Bible at my school this weekend. We have been reading some of it every night. So far my favorite story is about Adam and Eve and the snake. The Bible calls him the “Sneaky Snake”, but I like to call him the “Sneaky Worm”!

Here is a picture of Daddy reading to me. I had to wear my shades because I think they are cool!

Hot Air Balloon Festival!

I LOVE hot air balloons! We were lucky enough to have the Midwest Hot Air Balloon festival almost in our backyard this weekend! We went there last night and got to see some of the hot air balloons. It was really neat. All weekend long we saw lots of balloons in the sky. I hope that one day I get to ride in one!

Snow White

I LOVE Snow White! It is one of my names to choose from everyday. Aunt Jenny was super nice and found me the coolest Snow White costume. I now not only act like her and go by her name, I look like her too! I make Nama or Mommy or Daddy or anyone who is around be the Prince. Sometimes I call him Prince Charming and other times I call him Prince Perfect! Here are some pictures of me all dressed up watching one of my favorite movies…”Snow White”!

Annie and Daddy Warbucks!

You may need a refresher course in one of my favorite movies “Annie” to remember this, but I look just like Annie in my new bathing suit! When Annie and Daddy Warbucks were swimming in his pool (floating on their backs) Annie was wearing a bathing suit and hat just like me! I like to pretend I am Annie!

Here I am doing the back float like Annie!

2nd day of school!

I had a nice second day of school. Nama dropped me off and picked me up. Papa Dick picked me up from Nama's that day. When it was time to go I asked Nama if she was coming over. When she said no I said "aren't you coming over for the pizza party?". Since we had a big party to celebrate my first day of school I assumed everyone was coming over to celebrate my second day of school...who knew? Bummer I do not get cake and cookie cake every Thursday night!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I have started asking "why" a LOT! It is amazing how mom and dad seem to have an answer for everything! I am learning so much - I should have started this why thing a long time ago!

1st Day of School CELEBRATION!

After school today Nama Vicki and Papa Dick came over to play! We played in my room a lot and I danced, did a fashion show (was Glenda the Good Witch and a Ballerina), played “going to Texas”, read books, played with magnetic dress up dolls and did all sorts of fun things!

Nama also came over and we all had a party celebrating my 1st Day of School! Daddy ordered pizzas and you will not believe it!!!! He ordered pizzas and asked for really weird cheeses on them (kinda by mistake)…one had American cheese and the other had cheddar – NO MOZZARELLA! Daddy did not order pizzas, he ordered grilled cheese sandwiches!!! HAHA!

After pizza we had a really yummy cookie cake with my name on it! I even got to blow out candles for the big celebration!!!

1st day of school!

Today was my very first day of preschool and I really had fun! I am such a big girl now! I got to wear my school clothes and Twinkle Toes light up tennis shoes and put on my back pack! It was a neat day!

Mommy and Daddy took me to school. We walked around before it started to explore a little. I even went poopie in the big girl potty at school before school started! When it was time for school I put my laundry basket with all my stuff in the space with my name on it, but my crayon name tag on the box of crayons and was ready! I gave mom and dad a kiss goodbye, held on to Lambie and went into the classroom!

I had fun meeting new friends, playing with play dough, dolls and in the sensory table. It rained all day today so we could not go outside – instead we ran up and down the halls and hopped like bunnies! At lunch time I told the teachers “this is a good dinner” and then took a 1 hour nap on my sleep mat! I really wanted a pillow and will bring one next time so I have an even better sleep!

I go to preschool every Thursday from 9:30 – 2:30….I can’t wait until next week!

When school was over Mommy, Daddy, Nama Vicki and Papa Dick were all there to pick me up! They got there a little early and I caught them taking a peak in the room through the window! I was so excited to see them! As soon as they opened the door for us to leave I ran right up to mommy, jumped in her arms and gave everyone kisses! Papa Dick brought me a balloon and when we left I let it go way high up in the sky!

Everyone talked to my teachers (Moss Alicia and Miss Kianna) and they told them what a good girl I was and how big I was!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Texas: The Last Night

We played like crazy our last night to get every bit of fun in! We played with Tom’s dump truck and all took turns riding in it, played in the fort, read all Tom’s library books on trucks & trains and Uncle Tom tickled me like crazy! I loved in when Uncle Tom would tickle me that I kept going back for more!

I brought my pink diamond shoes to Texas and that night both Meghan and Tom tried them on. Tom really liked them and played round in them for awhile. Tom is funny!

I am sure going to miss all my cousins! I had such a fun time. I can’t wait for the next time we all get together!

Thanks for such a great time Aunt Carolyn, Uncle Tom, Tom and Meghan! We love you!

Texas: Cool Playground!

We went to a really cool park in Texas! Tm and Meghan get to play there a lot…they are very lucky! It was really shaded and had a cool swing set, a sand box and 3 play gyms all with there own slides! We played and played until I was very red in my face!

After we got to go to a really yummy Italian ice place! The make a parfait out of Italian ice and custard. Can you say YUMMY!

Texas: Chicken!

I had what may have been the best dinner of my life in Texas! For Aunt Carolyn’s birthday we went out to dinner at a famous fried chicken restaurant called “Babes”! They had such good chicken I ate like crazy! Mom cut me up tons of chicken. She said I ate half of a breast, a leg and a thigh…plus I chewed on Papa’s chicken wings! It was super yummy and a spot I will have to go to next time we visit!