Thursday, September 9, 2010

1st Day of School CELEBRATION!

After school today Nama Vicki and Papa Dick came over to play! We played in my room a lot and I danced, did a fashion show (was Glenda the Good Witch and a Ballerina), played “going to Texas”, read books, played with magnetic dress up dolls and did all sorts of fun things!

Nama also came over and we all had a party celebrating my 1st Day of School! Daddy ordered pizzas and you will not believe it!!!! He ordered pizzas and asked for really weird cheeses on them (kinda by mistake)…one had American cheese and the other had cheddar – NO MOZZARELLA! Daddy did not order pizzas, he ordered grilled cheese sandwiches!!! HAHA!

After pizza we had a really yummy cookie cake with my name on it! I even got to blow out candles for the big celebration!!!

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