Sunday, October 24, 2010


The terrible 2's begun in our house right when Kate turned 2 1/2. She is still a doll 98.5% of the time, but when that 1.5% shines through holy moly! We now kick, hit, say "shut up", whine and have a wicked tone whenever it please her. Of course no one but Daddy and Mommy have witnessed such wickedness, but it exists! She is in a bedroom timeout as we speak. I think mommy and daddy are in need of a nice and relaxing time out!

1 comment:

Big Kate said...

I know from many embarrassing stories that I too, even though Kate Larson seems perfect enough, had 2 year old tantrums. I also thought of some ideas that my inner 2 year old self would listen to A) because it is almost Christmas time, The Elf on the Shelf (Hallmark) might come in handy.(Santa is always watching!) and B) Remind her big girls like Kate Larson never tell their mommies or daddies to shut up or be quiet. Hope these work!!!

Happy 2 year old traumas!,
Big Kate