Saturday, July 31, 2010

Fun Day!

Today was Nama’s real birthday and we celebrated by going to City Market and then going to the Crown Center fountains! It was such a fun day! We walked around and bought lots of fruit, vegetables and flowers at City Market. We even ate at a fun Italian market where I got a yummy turkey leg! I almost rode the train – but then I go t scared. I think I will like it when I am 3!

My favorite part of the day was the fountains at Crown Center! It is right at Hallmark where mommy works! We put on my bathing suit and Daddy showed me how to run through the fountains! I was a wild girl once I saw what to do and I ran in and out of the fountains like a pro! I giggled, got so excited and had so much fun! I played and played I the fountains! I can’t wait to go back!

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