Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fimmen Clan!!

This weekend was FULL of partying fun because most of the Fimmen's were in town. Gigi, Uncle Bob, Uncle Jim, Aunt Pat, Uncle Lee, Christy, Jon, Chris and Sara were all at Nama and Papa's house! We were celebrating Uncle Bob's retirement!

It was so much fun! I got to learn which Great Uncle is the funniest (I am going to keep it a secret), teased my Uncles by withholding kisses, played with Sara and read books and blew Jon and Chris kisses!! I have also got to spend a lot of time with Gigi since she has been in town!

We have had a BLAST!

Swim Lessons!

Swim lessons started last weekend and I am already learning so much! I was already comfortable with the water...these lessons are to teach me to swim! My swim coach is Miss Angie....BUT, this week we had Johnnie because Miss Angie is on vacation. Let's just say I was not too thrilled to have a boy teacher, but once he warmed up to me I loved him! In fact, after I asked mom and dad if Johnnie could be my coach the next time I take lessons!

So far I have learned to float on my back (they say that is the key to learning to swim) and have practiced with a float bar and other cool things! I think I will be swimming in no time!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Movable Decorations by Hallmark!!!

Mommy brought me home the coolest surprise today from work! These super COOL Princess wall stickers. I can take them on and off an move them all around. Mommy and I put them up together. She thought a great place for them was in my dress up closet. I wonder why she did not want them in my bedroom???? I do LOVE Princesses!

I told mommy "You are the best girl when you do this with me!" We had so much fun!

While we were decorating I would call mommy "your highness" and said "YES, this is the BEST day!"

I LOVE LOVE LOVE them! Hope you can all come over to my house and play in my dress up closet so you can see them and play with them!

Here I am setting them up!

This project made me very happy!

They were so easy to do that I could do lots of them all by myself!

Here I am pealing them off!

Happy day...the project is over and I can now play with them over and over!

Dress Up....

I still LOVE to do it!


Here is a sample of a conversation Daddy and I have been having lately...

Daddy: "Kate, will you the word world for me?" (Daddy likes me to say it cause he thinks I say it cute

Me: "No Daddy. I do not want to say world!"

Daddy: "What word do you not want to say Kate?"

Me: "World"

Both mommy and daddy seem to think this is really funny. I wonder why? I told him I would not say world.


Friday, August 19, 2011

I am diseased!!!

Can you tell what it is called??

For those of you who guessed it...woohoo! For those of you who need help...I have "Hand Foot Mouth Disease" and it is YUCKY! Luckily I am MUCH better and no longer contagious! I had a super fever starting last Saturday and Sunday, I threw up, had a head ache, sore throat and then tons of pain in my feet. See, you get blisters all over your hands, feet and mouth and they are terrible! You can' t see them in the pictures above (we did not want to gross you out!), but they hurt bad and even kept me from sleeping more than 2 hours on Monday night. Poor me! I hope none of you ever get it! YUCK!





Last weekend I was SUPER surprised! Mommy, Daddy and I went to Cactus Grill and met Nama Vicki and Papa Dick! It was really fun! After dinner we went back to Papa's place because Nama Vicki said they had a surprise for me. Guess what??? I got tons of stuff! Thanks Nama Vicki and Papa Dick! I love you!

Here I am in a Justin Bieber dress! Can you believe it??

Here is a really cool JB tshirt! My first one! Wait til Anna see's it!

Here I am opening up some more...

I am so excited and can't hardly believe it....Disney's Pocahontas movie!!!!




Sunday, August 14, 2011


Can you believe it??!! We have just passed the 700 mark -700 Blog posts that is! We sure have been busy the past 3 1/2 years!


Sophie and Sky

Ever since Nama and Mommy went to see "Momma Mia" at Starlight a few weeks ago I have once again become obsessed with the movie and music! My new favorite thing to do is to pretend that I am Sophie and Nama or Mommy are Sky. We have to reenact the scenes on the movie with them in it...especially the scene on the beach when they sing "Don't go wasting your emotion.....lay all your love on me!" We listen to the soundtrack over and over.

I want to go see "Momma Mia" soon! Maybe one day I will star in it!

Playing with Kids

When Nama and I were at the park the other day we had so much fun and she was so proud of me. There was a pretend "restaurant" and Nama and I would take each others orders - we had SO much fun! After awhile some other kids came and I wanted to play with them too. I would ask them their name and what they wanted to eat. If they were shy and did not know I would say "I have hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dog, macaroni and grilled cheese sandwiches". The kids would then place their order. I would then ran up the stairs to the "freezer" to get the food and then run back downstairs to serve it to them. They would say "thank you very much" and I would say "you're welcome". After that I would help the next kid in line.

Sometimes there would be about 4 kids in line at one time! I helped and played with about 10 kids. I got to meet so many new friends. I hope they come to the park again!

Everyone was so proud of me when they heard this story. This is not something I do everyday....but they are all hoping this continues!


Yesterday morning I woke up feeling good. We went to the pool and played and played. When I got home I started to complain that my head hurt. I have never really had a headache before, but that is what I had. It hurt so bad. I would grab my head and rock back and forth, I would tell mommy and daddy I did not feel good and I would moan and groan. My temp was 103 degrees!

We took some medicine, cuddled and watched movies. I could not really take a good nap cause it hurt so bad. The medicine would work some, but as soon as it would wear down my head would hurt again.

Then my tummy started to hurt and I threw up. YUCK, but luckily we were in the bathroom and it was easy to clean up (at least that is what mommy said). After that I felt a bit better. In fact, I started to play some, but then I felt bad again.

When I woke up this morning I still had a fever and complained of a sore throat. I think we are going to the doctor as soon as it opens....not fun, but maybe they will give me some medicine that works!

I am playing now and feeling better....hope it continues!

Nice things I have been saying lately...

"You are so sweet to me"

"Your a good mommy/daddy)"

"I love my family"

"You make me so happy"

"You are so cute and pretty and nice"

I am such a nice girl!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Cheetos - part 2

Guess what? I went to Walmart this morning before work and got my phone!! Hee Hee...I win, Cheetos and a PHONE!!

I wonder what lesson that just taught me??? Hmm.....heehee!!!


Last night mommy and I had a girls night as Daddy and Papa Dick went to a concert. All day long (and the night before) I had talked about how much I wanted the Rapunzel phone we saw at Walmart. Since I was such a good girl at the wedding and the drive to and from Pittsburg mom and dad said they would get it for me. I was SO excited yesterday that I could not stop talking about it. After my nap it was even the very first thing I asked about.

Once Daddy left for the night mommy and I went to Walmart to get it. I was SO excited. It was the first thing we picked out (by the cash register). I played and played with it at the store while we did the rest of our shopping.

When we went to pay for it and were standing in line I saw a $.30 bad of Cheetos (it was a lunch box sized bag - really small). Well, I wanted them SO bad! I begged and begged mom and she kept saying no. She finally told me I could get 1 thing - the phone I has been wanting SO bad and talking about for days of the teeny tiny bag of $.30 Cheetos.

Guess what???? I chose the Cheetos!

That is right, mom and the guy at the check out thought I was CRAZY, but that is what I decided.

I LOVED every last bite (and licks of my orange fingers)!

Mommy and I kept laughing about it all night....I picked Cheetos that are all gone OVER a phone I could have had for a long time.

Hee Hee!


I almost forgot to tell you....

When we were in Pittsburg the other day we were getting ready to go to the wedding. Daddy, Mommy and Papa were getting in the car and I was in my car seat. Nama Vicki went through the garage door to lock the house and yelled to Papa Dick that there was a snake in the garage! I asked mommy to take me out of my car seat to see it. She and I were standing by the car (she was holding me) and Papa Dick took a broom and pushed the yucky green and black snake out of the garage and into the bushes! Mommy freaked out (because we were kinda close) and SCREAMED!!! It made me laugh! I am glad I got to see the snake and even more glad it did not get us!


Sunday, August 7, 2011


Here is the first conversation mommy and I had right when I woke up yesterday morning:

Me: "We are going to Pittsburg today mommy. I wonder what color rental car daddy is getting?"

Mommy: "giggle giggle"

And to think no one even told me daddy was going to rent a car. I am a good guesser....or daddy is really predictable.

I wanted a red or pink car...he got a white one. Oh well.

I was sad

We had so much fun at the wedding yesterday but I was sad. Since we did not get to leave Kansas City until after my nap in the late afternoon and we did not get to stay the night in Pittsburg...I did not get to do what I love to do when I am there! It was such a SHORT trip and all about the wedding that I did not get to play at Nama and Papa's house and I did not get to see Gigi and Gipa. Next time is what mommy and daddy said. I hope next time is soon!

HOT day at the zoo!!

We have been wanting to visit the KC zoo and decided today was to day. It was fun, but HOT!We did not stay long but were able to see the Polar Bear and then spend time in Africa. We road the tram and then took the gondola and saw zebras, birds, giraffes, elephants, flamingos and lots of animals I did not know what they were.

I can't wait to go the Fall! No more summer trips to the zoo for me....I was SWEATY!

Wedding in Joplin!

Yesterday we went to Pittsburg and Joplin for Daddy's cousin Michael's wedding reception. He and Sarah got married in Mexico but had a BIG party in Joplin! When we got to Joplin we ate dinner at Club 609 - a restaurant mommy used to love when she lived there and a favorite place of Nama Vicki and Papa Dick.

After a yummy dinner we drove through Joplin to see the tornado damage. It is incredible and very sad. Mommy's old high school is completely destroyed and her friend Melissa's parents house has already been torn down. We also went and saw the house mommy lived in when she lived there. It was cool to see that.

The wedding was awesome! Amazing decorations, food and fun! It was a Mexican theme since they got married there and they had CHEESE DIP! YUMMY! Also lots of good dessert - iced sugar cookies, candy, chocolate covered strawberries....YUMMY!

I stayed up super late and then we drive home to KC and did not get home til midnight....I am a PARTY GIRL!

Here are some pictures I took...closeup and me and mommy!

Nama Vicki and Papa Dick!

Daddy's cousin Sydney and Aunt Christie
Nama Vicki and Aunt Marilyn

Here are some more fun pictures!

Cheese Dip from Ernesto's!! "Better than Taco Bell"


Friday, August 5, 2011

Rock Star!!!!

Tonight was "playroom madness" is where mom captured me singing and dancing to the Cars soundtrack. I love song #1...I think it is called "Real Gone". I am a true rock star!

Beauty Shop

Tonight we are having so much fun playing at home. We are so busy that it seems like I don't get to play with my own toys as often as I would like! Tonight I was "Leah" and did hair and makeup for my doll (she does not have a name yet, but I decided I would call her the girl on Mama Mia).

Isn't she pretty!?!

And the best picture from when Kate Larson visited....

We LOVE Justin Bieber!!!

For all of you that are not big Justin fans like me and Kate Larson....this is what all his fans do...make a heart with their hands! We LOVE him!

If Anna was still there that night she would be doing it with us too!!!

Here are some pictures I took...

Mommy and Kate Larson!


I LOVE being a photographer!



Larsons were in town!!

This weekend the Larson's were in town from LA! Both the Larson's and the Costello's came to Nama's for dinner and we were all there to celebrate too! They are such fun people (we wish they still lived in good old KC)! Kate Larson (that is what I call her...Kate Larson) played and played with us was so much fun! Here are some pictures of Kate and I hanging out.

We were talking amd dancing to Justin Bieber (she LOVES him too)!

Here we are when Kate was reading me a book...

We were jumping and dancing to JB!

Here we are being silly with the camera!

Happy Birthday Nama!!

Nama's birthday was last week and we had lots of fun celebrating! We had fun with the family and some friends to celebrate her special day! Here is the best of all the attempts at a Nama and grand kid picture. Happy Birthday Nama! I love you!


Today I was at Nama's house and Anna was over. She is potty training and was kinda crossing her legs funny with her one leg up and I asked her..."Anna, are you being a flamingo?"

Mommy, Aunt Jenny and Nama thought that was so funny. I guess Anna just had to go potty.

A conversation with Mommy...

Me: "Mommy, I don't want to get bigger"

Mommy: "Why not Kate?

Me: "I like me this way. I like me just how I am."


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mommy's Show

A few weeks ago Nama Vicki was watching me at Papa Dick's place. She turned on "Young and the Restless". I said to her "Nama, is Tucker still in the hospital?" She was shocked....she had no idea I "watch" that show with Mommy.

When we told Mommy I think she realized how much I "watch" it when it is on and now she is questioning her evening programming. Boohoo...I LOVE that show!

When we "watch" mommy's show I always ask who everyone is and what they are doing. I can name a lot of the characters...Tucker, Billy, Victor, much fun! I hope mommy and I keep watching it!


Daddy's Shirt

Here is a conversation Daddy and I had the other morning while he was getting ready...

Daddy: "Kate, how do you like my shirt? What color is it?"

Me: "It's blue and you wear it all the time."

Mommy thought that was did Daddy!


The other day Nama and I were playing Aladdin and Jasmine (like we do every day). This time I was Jasmine (like always) and Nama was Jafar (the bad guy). Jafar said to me "Jasmine, you will marry me!" and I said "NEVER - not until the world ends!".

Nama (Jafar) thought that was SO FUNNY because that is not from the movie or anything. In fact, no one knows where I have heard of the world ending.
