Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Uncle Chris

Uncle Chris got into town today and I was really excited to see him. At first I was a little shy, but it did not take long for me to warm up. We went to dinner at Cheesecake Factory with Uncle Chris and Papa Dick and then I asked Uncle Chris to ride in the car with me to my house! I showed him all the new stuff I have gotten since he was here last and we played a lot. I read him books and showed him some of my home videos!

When we were listening to music upstairs I surprised Uncle Chris and brought out the purple Converse shoes he got me for Christmas last year (I did not want him to think I forgot)...he got a kick out of it! Then I put a special song on the stereo for him and was very excited when he did not know what it was. I kept saying "just wait and you will see why I put it on"...the song was Billy Joel's "New York State of Mind"...then I showed him the cool book. Mom thought I was quite funny to surprise him with a New York song!

I am sorry to say we forgot to take pictures tonight...everyone will need to remind mom to do that all this week!

Can't wait to see Uncle Chris again!

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