Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ashley is 1!!!

Today was Ashley's 1st birthday party and boy was it fun! We played games (pin the caterpillar on the leaf), did crafts (colored and made our own butterfly masks), helped Ashely open presents and ate really yummy food! Here are some pictures!

The "birthday party girl". Aunt Jenny kept calling Ashley that and me the "birthday girl" since today is my birthday!

Butterfly masks!

Craft time!

Mommy had me take some "I am 4 now" pictures!

I really had fun making my mask!

Ashley was really into her birthday cards!

We were all playing the game!

Posing...I am 4!

Aunt Jenny is twirling me before I pinned my caterpillar!

Anna is getting twirled!

Happy Birthday to me. Aunt Jenny had everyone sing it 4 times since I am 4!!

Blowing out my candle!!!

They lit my candle again and sang it again!!!

It was a FUN party!




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