Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 19th!!

Today is such a WONDERFUL day! It is the day I turned 4! I can't hardly believe the day is here! I was walking up the stairs this morning by myself and kept repeating over and over..."I am 4, I am 4, I am 4". When mommy saw me at the top of the stairs I said to her "but, I don't look like I am 4!"

We started our day off perfectly and I got to open my presents from mom and dad!! After that we went to Ashley's 1st birthday party, then to Oak Park mall to get my free Build a Bear t-shirt for a bear and to go on the carousel. What a fun day!!

Here I am getting ready to open my presents...

I got such great presents...a plasma car, pjs, clothes, nail polish (pink and purples), a jewelry box filled with jewelry, Innotab cartridges for my kid ipad and 3 Disney Princess Animator dolls (Aurora, Rapunzel and Snow White)!

I already LOVE being 4!




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