Sunday, April 8, 2012

Riding the Ducks!

Mommy, Daddy and I went to Branson this week for a little get away! I will post lots of notes on all that we did...this is the first one.

Wednesday night we drove to Pittsburg and stayed at Nama Vicki and Papa Dick's house. I was so excited to get to play with them for awhile. Nama Vicki was even able to give me my bath!

Thursday morning we got up and headed to Branson. Our first stop after we checked into the hotel and Ride the Ducks!

This was my first time to ride the ducks and they were fun. They are cool vehicles that can ride on land and even on water! We were even given our very own duck callers...I blew my duck caller all the time!

Here we are waiting for our ride!

I have my ticket in hand!
Me and mommy!

Look at daddy and I being ducks!

Me and mommy quacking too!

We went all over Branson...a little tour!Mommy and I both ended up pulling our hair in ponytails...windy!!




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