Sunday, April 8, 2012

Silver Dollar City- Day 2

Day 2 of Silver Dollar City was EVEN more fun than the first! We found the fun areas with all the kid rides and we rode TONS of rides! I was not even scared at all! I rode on swings, frogs, bugs, pirate ships, spinning tea cups, the log ride (again) and lots of other cool stuff!

Such a fun day!

I am getting SO big...on rides all by myself with mommy and daddy watching nearby!
I played like crazy in this rode course thing!

Me and my daddy!

Me and mommy on the train!

Carousel fun! I choose to ride the Donkey!

Mommy and me on the frog ride...I controlled it to hop up or down!

Daddy and I were on a super fast pirate ship that went around and around and around and around...Daddy did not feel that well after it! Poor daddy!

This ride was super cool and made my tummy drop like when we go 1,2,3...wee!!! When we were on this one I would put my hands up in the air. Dare DEVIL!

Do you see mommy and me?

It was such a fun time at the park! I bet the next time I go back I will be big enough to ride the roller coasters! I can't wait!




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