Sunday, April 1, 2012

Rock Chalk!!!

The Jayhawks are going to the NCAA FINALS!! I am really excited - both mom and dad like the Jayhawks (although they did not go there)....but I might so I better start cheering early!

We had a basketball watch party at our house yesterday and it was SO fun! Nama, Papa, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Anna, Ashley, Gigi and Uncle Bob all came over. We played, watched the games, ate yummy food and played some more!

The Jayhawk game had some folks getting nervous so....I decided to get up and do some cheers for the Jayhawks. I did "Lean to the Left" and "Go team" and "We're #!!" and guess what....THEY WON! My cheers worked!

Rock Chalk! I will have to do lots of cheering tomorrow night!

Here I am in my Jayhawk apparel!

Anna and I playing on the plasma car - we had so much fun playing!
I stayed up super LATE to watch it are Nama and I after the game!




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