Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mommy's cool work event!

Last weekend mommy had to go out of town for business. She was really excited for this trip and I even got to help her shop and pack for it!  Mommy was so excited because Hallmark was launching her big product "Text Bands" at a Cody Simpson launch party event.  At the event lots of celebrity's were going to be there and so was mommy's product.  All the celebrity's got to wear and play with the product and it was a BIG success.

Now for the fun part...Cody Simpson (singer popuar with the kiddos) performed, the Kardashians (Kylie and Kendall Jenner, Khloe and Lamar Odam and Kris Jenner), Aerial Winters (the young girl on Modern Family), lots of Disney kid Stars, Iam5 boy bands and lots of other fun people were there.

Mommy got lots of pictures and got to mingle with the famous folks...she loved every minute of it!  She even got to walk the red carpet and get her picture taken by paparazi!  She says it was the coolest thing she has ever done with Hallmark and one of the coolest things she has EVER done! 

Here are a few pictures mommy took (there are hundreds more)!  Mommy was able to stand at the red carpet with the press and paparazzi!!  She was a paparazzi and thought that was pretty cool!   Notice the purple and black bands on everyone's hands...mommy product "Text Bands"!

This is Cody Simpson on the red carpet!
 Kardashians!  Mommy was so excited they were there!
 Aerial Winters from Modern Family
 Kris Jenner and Lamar Odam
 Cody warming up before the event!
 Mommy and her friend Jenise before the event started!!

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