Thursday, May 24, 2012


I caught some kind of bug this week. Actually, Ashley, Anna, Aunt Jenny and I all caught it and it was NO fun!  It caused fever and really red and bumpy sore throats.  My doctor thought I had strep, so put me on medicine, but then learned it was not strep and took me off the medicine!  It was just a yucky virus!  Mommy took off work yesterday to be home with me (day 2 of my sickness).  By noon I was much better and we went to get a snowcone because it felt good on my throat (and because they are SO good).... 
 It was HOT, so mommy and I sat under a tree to eat our snack and then I performed some cheers and dances for her.  It was SO fun!
 After my bath yesterday morning mommy had to be on some work conference calls, so I picked out my own outfit...complete with necklace, ring and clogs!!  Pretty fancy for a sick the way...I love sick days when mommy stays home from work!

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