Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Gulf Shores: Dolphin Cruise!

We went on a really cool dolphin cruise for a couple of hours the very first day the waves calmed down enough and we could!  We saw  of dolphins.  The captain explained that due to the tropical storm and rough waters that a lot of the dolphins that typically live in the ocean came to the bay...so, we saw bay dolphins (the darker ones) and ocean dolphins (the lighter ones). 

Here I am all suited up in a life jacket.  I did not like the life jacket - it made me hot and I could not get comfy!

Family picture!  Seems we do not get enough of these!

I had pink zinc oxide on my nose and under my eyes so I would not get burned.  Those were the only areas that got pink in New Mexico!

My Disney World squirt bottle came in handy...I squirted myself to make myself cooler!

See the dolphins...

These shrimp fisherman had tons of dolphins following them because the dolphins wanted their catch!  The fisherman shared some fish with them and entertained us!

I needed a nap after the long and hot boat ride!

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