Saturday, August 18, 2012

Dancer Girl!

I had such an incredible day of dancing!  Dance class was a success!  I danced and danced, listened to Miss Marilyn and learned so much!  I was also the leader most of the class and led the class around the room, was used to demonstrate how to do stuff for the other was so great!  Their are 6 girls in my class and we all had so much fun! 

Here I am before class...

These are my new tap shoes.  We got the sparly pink elastics so I could take my shoes on and off easily and so I can tell which one's are mine!

It was so cool I had pink hair in class today!!

Here I am leading the class around the room!

Here we are doing barre work!  We worked on lots of dance steps!

Dancing with flowers!

Here me and another girl were doing our own dancing.  I chose to twirl and twirl!

We got in groups of 3, held hands and worked on tip toe and lots of other fun stuff!

I love dancing and can't wait until next Saturday!  What a difference 18 months makes!

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