Sunday, February 17, 2013

Birthday Snack Day at school!!

Since my birthday is this week I get to take a birthday treat to school!!  Today mommy and I searched everywhere for "nut free" cookies for me to take, but we could not find anything that was not produced in a "nut free" facility.  My school is a "nut free zone" since lots of kids are allergic to nuts.

Since we had no luck, we made sugar cookies at home!  It was lots of fun to make them.  I cracked the egg, stirred and put the sprinkles on the tops!  It was so much better than just buying something!  They are going to be great with strawberries and the Strawberry Shortcake napkins I am taking for my friends!

I can't wait for my class to sing "happy birthday" to me!  This is going to be an exciting week!


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