Sunday, February 17, 2013

Kindergarten Round up

Can you believe that I will be going to Kindergarten next year???  I am SO excited about it!  Mommy went to kindergarten round-up at my school this week to learn all about what we need to do to get me all signed up and ready for the BIG school! 

Seems like mom and dad have finally decided on kindergarten for me.  Mom has been super stressed about if we should do half or full day.  I don't know what all the stress has been about.  I told them I have wanted to do full day all along!!!

She was planning on half day for months now, but at round-up she realized about 80% of all the kids were signing up for full day and she started to wonder if I would be behind once I got to 1st grade.  After she and dad chatted about it, Aunt Jenny got some advice from her teacher friends, Nama forwarded some online research and they all thought and thought and thought and thought and thought.....they finally landed on full day and mommy is not stressed about it any more.  In fact, they are going to drop off the paper work this week!

I can't wait until kindergarten!!!  I am getting SO big!

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